Category Archives: Books

Book Update: Au revoir, Angleterre

Having finished Chapter 7 of my new book, I am now preparing my trip to France this thursday, where I can write Chapter 4 (which I purposely left out as I am going to try and follow the same journey in real life as my character, Dupont). An interesting new way of fiction writing, but hopefully one that will work well.

Needless to say wine and cheese will help me get my creative juices flowing 🙂  I shall return on monday, whereby hopefully I will be able to report on how I got on across the channel.

Book update: Things are looking up for Dupont

Almost finished Chapter 5. Chapter 4 will remain unwritten until I go to France (as Dupont, one of the main characters, shall be taking a similar route to myself). Chapter 5 sees Dupont (the Chef with the skills but the incorrect palette) actually winning a competition, though how he wins, you will have to read the book… when its published… which will be when I finish writing the thing 🙂

Writing a book can be relatively easy if you have the drive and a good story floating around in your head, waiting to get out into the world. This time next month i’ll probably be moaning about how hard it is, so i’m making the most of it!

Chapter One: BLOG!

Welcome to my first ever Word Press post, in  lovely new blog. I have nothing exciting to say just yet as I am so overwhelmed at all the options on here that i’m messing around with settings, themes, etc.

As a first of.. update for the book I am currently writing, I am currently writing Chapter 5 (though Chapter 4 I am not currently doing until next month when I go to France on a ‘Business Trip’… well, a holiday with writing involved). So far things are heating up between the Chef’s! Don’t want to reveal too much more yet.

World of gaming, I am making the most of my Playstation at the moment, and currently working through Back T o The Future: Episode 3. Gets more and more nostalgically addictive by the second 🙂

I shall report further soon… So long for now!